Scientific Instruments List and their Uses in Bengali

Questions from scientific instruments and their uses are generally found in different competitive examinations. Knowing about various scientific instruments and their uses is essential.
So, in this post, a list of various scientific instruments and their uses has been prepared which regular study will play a very important role in any competitive examination.
Scientific Instruments List and their Uses in Bengali

Science GK: Excretion and Alkaloids in Plants and Animals

Excretion in plants and animals and alkaloids are an essential part as far as general knowledge is concerned. Questions Excretion in plants and animals and alkaloids in the general knowledge section have been found to be set in the competitive examination. 
Science GK: Excretion and Alkaloids in Plants and Animals

Bengali Current Affairs Questions Answers on Science

  1.এক খণ্ড বরফের উপর একটা কর্ক আছে এবং বরফখণ্ড জলের উপর ভাসছে-বরক সম্পূর্ণ গলে গেলে যে পাত্রের জলে বরফখণ্ড ভাসছিল তার জলতলের কি পরিবর্তন হবে? (ক) জলতল উপরে উঠবে, (খ) জলতল নীচ নামবে, (গ) জলতলের কোন পরিবর্তন হবে না, 



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